Monday 9 January 2012


 How Many More Minutes?

Charlie and Lola, Vol. Six: How Many More Minutes  is as charming and funny as the previous collections.

"How Many More Minutes"
Saturday 6 May 2006Thursday 3 May 2007Charlie and Lola have to make their own amusements when they have to wait for Mum in the dentist's waiting room.Also starring Andrea Baker as Smiley Girl,Stephen Oldring as Smiley Boy, and also starring Adrian Truss, Clancy Brown, Dwayne Hill as the pirates.
I Am Collecting a Collection"
Monday 22 May 2006Friday 4 May 2007Charlie is collecting a set of plastic dinosaur figures from cereal packets, and Lola decides that she'd like to collect something too. But what will she collect?
Welcome to Lolaland"
Friday 10 November 2006Tuesday 22 May 2007Charlie and Marv are learning Spanish. Lola would like to learn a foreign language too, but can't grasp it. With Soren Lorenson, she decides to make up her own imaginary language and place - Lolaland. Also starring Meaghan Strange as Japanese girl, P as (Edward McNamara) Russian boy, Feliz Yanezas Spanish boy, and Ella Forseter as Spanish girl.
"I Wish I Could Draw Exactly More Like You"
Saturday 11 August 2007Monday 28 May 2007Charlie, Marv, Lola, and Lotta all have to draw pictures of their houses for a school project. They all have their own ways of drawing, and look at some famous paintings for inspiration.
I Will Not Ever Never Forget You, Nibbles"
Monday 26 February 2007Tuesday 29 May 2007Charlie and Lola get a pet mouse, which they name Nibbles. Nibbles can do lots of tricks, and they love him very much. But eventually, Nibbles dies, and the siblings must learn to cope with the upset of losing a pet.
"Never Ever Never Step on the Cracks"
Monday 26 February 2007Wednesday 30 May 2007Lola is very superstitious, and believes everything that people tell her. She hops to bed so the sea-ticklers won't tickle her, sleeps tightly so the bed bugs won't bite, washes really hard behind her ears so mushrooms won't grow there, and turns around three times when she sees a magpie. Charlie quickly regrets it when he tells her not to step on the cracks in the pavement, or else the bears that live underneath will get her.

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