Thursday 29 September 2011

Hans Christian Andersen Collection-There Is A Difference


"Look, with what singular beauty Providence has invested it," she said. "I will paint it, together with the apple branch, whose beauty all have admired; but this humble flower has received just as much from Heaven in a different way; and, various as they are, both are children of the kingdom of beauty."

 And the sunbeam kissed the humble flower, and he kissed the blooming apple branch, whose leaves appeared covered with a roseate blush.Is there something about the apple branch that
seperates him from the dandelion? Whats with the apple branch and the the other flower? Will this be a battle?, Love or Mystery? Well it's what we find out when we read There Is A
ages 5 and up
Hardcover: 31 pages
Publisher: Word Inc (1988)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.5 inches

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